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Frequently asked questions about applying to Franke

Thank you for your interest in our career opportunities. Here you will find common questions and our answers about applying to Franke.

1 Application

We accept your application via our online portal.

As soon as we have received your application, you will get an automatically generated acknowledgement of receipt. We will then review your application. This can take up to four weeks.

2 Interview

If your application documents have convinced us, we would like to get to know you personally in an interview.

3 Commitment & contract offer

If you have convinced us during your interview, you will receive a commitment and soon your employment contract.

4 First working day

We welcome you at our office in Aalen. After a safety training, you will meet your new colleagues and your induction will start.

We accept your application exclusively via our online portal. Clicking on the desired position will take you directly there. You can apply via the vacancy advertised or send us an unsolicited application.

After you have clicked on your desired position, you will be redirected to our online portal and the job advertisement will appear. Then click on the "Online-Bewerbung" button at the bottom of the page. You then confirm the data protection notice, enter your data and upload your documents. When your application is complete, submit your application and you will receive an automatically acknowledgement of receipt from us.

The data you submit will be archived for up to 6 months. Afterwards they will be completely deleted from our system.

For more information on data protection, please see our privacy statement.

A complete and meaningful application includes the following documents:

  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum vitae/resume
  • Reports/refernces

Please send your application to the contact person given in the job advertisement.

The review of your application can take up to four weeks.

In the case of a unsolicited application, it may take longer.

This is of course possible. Contact your contact person well in advance to postpone the interview.

We will gladly accept your unsolicited application.

We do not accept unsolicited applications for our apprenticeships and dual studies.

Yes, in case please apply for each position separately.

If you have further questions, please contact the person given in the job advertisement.

For general questions about the application process, please contact Ms. Sandra Eisele on +49 7361 920-168.

We are a dual partner of the DHBW Heidenheim.

You can find more information about the dual studies at Franke here.